P.T. Bailey’s Weird World Article
Evan Peeler, a diver and amateur marine photographer from Catalina Island was able to capture Lieutenant El Ray on film during routine training GK Delta. Mr. Peeler’s boat was anchored in waters just outside of the perimeter our ships setup. Unbeknownst to Navy personnel, the divers on Mr. Peeler’s ship had crossed over the perimeter. Lt. El Ray himself had been pushing the limits of his boundaries, by pure chance, even with miles of ocean around, El Ray and Peeler ended up in the same spot. El Ray quickly swam away when he saw Peeler, but it was too late and Peeler had snapped a photo.
Mr. Peeler then shared the photo with P.T. Bailey’s Weird World, a staple of American media for over 100 years detailing bizarre stories (and sometimes hoaxes) from around the world. The story was then featured in one of their web articles, a screenshot of which can be found below.
Fortunately, stories of cryptids abound, and Mr. Peeler’s story is taken with a grain of salt in the eyes of the public. It wasn’t even one of their top clicks. If our agents were to hack the site to remove the photo, I suspect it would draw more suspicion than leaving it. I recommend no further action.