Daart and Squirt 2049-11-12
LOG and Transcript Pt. 3
- Date: 2049-11-12 12:20 Size: 402mb

- Date / Timecode
- Audio / Video
- 00:27:16:19
- Video: Daart films the length of the beach, stopping only to get a shot of El Ray and Squirt before moving on. He catches a glimpse of a drainage pipe in the distance.
Daart: Cadet Daart here, with my sidekick, Squirt the Octopup . . .
Video: Squirt shoots a streak of ink at Daart’s face.
Daart: Aww, c’mon, Squirt! We are on a super-secret mission with Lieutenant El Ray. Hey, El Ray, are we really tracking a pipe?
El Ray: Cadet, I’ve told you before to address me as lieutenant or sir.
Daart: But we’re not even on an official mission!
El Ray: That’s irrelevant. Chain of command protoc—
Daart: El Ray! Look, the pipe leads to that building!
El Ray: Good eye. Keep down, we don’t know who’s in there.
Video: Daart and Squirt both crouch down low. Daart keeps filming as they creep toward the building.
Daart: Hey, El Ray, I don’t know if we’re supposed to be here. That building looks like it’s trying to be hidden.
Video: They approach a building that is surrounded by underbrush and covered in camo netting. Stenciling on the wall reads “LAB 4.” The pipe they were following connects to a port on the exterior wall.
El Ray: That’s where the pipe ends, so that’s where we’re going. Make sure you aren’t seen. Getting caught could mean court martial . . . a dishonorable discharge . . . maybe worse.
Daart: What’s worse than that?
El Ray: Let’s move out.
Video: Daart gulps. El Ray sneaks out of the underbrush.
- 00:27:16:19
- Video: El Ray approaches a door of the building. Daart and Squirt lag behind.
El Ray: Daart! Come on!Daart: Uh, that’s cool. We can wait out here.
El Ray: Cadet, you wanted a real mission. Now you have to face the consequences of your choices. Raise anchor, it’s time to go.
Daart: (Sigh) C’mon, Squirt. I guess we’re heading into certain doom.
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- The Incident at Lab 4
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- Daart and Squirt 2049-11-12 VLOG Transcript Pt. 1
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- El Ray Personal Log Pt. 1 GK04-491112.txt
- Lt. El Ray
- Daart and Squirt 2049-11-12 VLOG and Transcript Pt. 2
- NROTC Cadet Daart
- El Ray Personal Log Pt. 2 GK04-491112.txt
- Lt. El Ray
- Daart and Squirt 2049-11-12 VLOG and Transcript Pt. 3
- NROTC Cadet Daart
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- El Ray Personal Log Pt. 3 GK04-491112.txt
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